We purchase a wide range of goods and services to support our operations and to deliver high-quality services to residents, businesses and visitors.
To deliver these services we buy goods and services ranging from pencils to buildings. We spend around £40 million every year we aim to ensure that they deliver value for the money which we do through using a mix of the best suppliers to promote diverse and competitive local economy.
The Council's procurement processes include:
Our Procurement Strategy which provides the high-level framework for procurement at the council.
Our Contract Standing Orders (CSOs) these are part 4 of the Council's Constitution and their primary objectives are to ensure that all procurement and contracts for works, services and supplies:
- secure the best possible value for money
- ensure probity, transparency and equality
- protect those involved in the procurement process.
We have a corporate Procurement team that manage all spend requirements over £5,000.
The Procurement team will enable and assist all council departments to purchase goods, services and works in line with the council’s standing orders and Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).
For smaller value purchases we will approach suppliers for quotations.
Tender opportunities
As a local government authority, we are bound by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
Public sector opportunities which are open to all bidders are advertised on the Contracts Finder website, which includes notices issued by Ipswich Borough Council as well as other public sector bodies across the UK.
All requirements are advertised on our e-tendering portal and in doing so are:
- fair
- transparent
- non-discriminative
Contact the procurement team by email: procurement@ipswich.gov.uk