Council Tax Reduction (low income)

Council Tax Reduction (CTR) reduces the amount of Council Tax you are asked to pay. Any CTR you are awarded is shown on your Council Tax bill.  

You can receive help if you are on a low income, even if you are working. However, if you have more than £16,000 in savings or investments you will not usually qualify.

The reduction awarded will depend on:

  • the amount you are liable to pay
  • the needs of your family
  • your income,
  • your savings and
  • anyone else living with you

From 1st April 2023, all people of working age who live in Ipswich will be eligible to receive up to 100% reduction in their Council Tax bill. This same reduction has always been available to customers of Pension Age under the Governments Prescribed Scheme.  The amount of the reduction applied will depend on the income and capital available to each household.

The 2023/24 scheme introduced Income Bands for customers in receipt of Universal Credit. These Income Bands will allow for some changes in earnings that will not require Council Tax to be recalculated as often as under the previous scheme. 

How to apply for Council Tax Reduction

If you do not have a reduction showing on your bill and you think you may qualify, you will need to submit an application. You can find out if you qualify for any Housing Benefit/CTR by using our calculator below.

Please note that the button will open in a new window.

Use the benefits calculator

You do not have to use the Housing Benefit and CTR Calculator to make an online claim. However, if you do, the information you enter into it will automatically be saved into your online claim.

You can claim Housing Benefit and/or CTR online by clicking the button below. If you wish to partially complete and save the form, then return to it at any time, you can. 

Please note that the button will open in a new window.

Apply for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction

For more information see our Make a claim page.

Reporting changes

Any changes in your circumstances must be reported to us.

Council Tax Reduction scheme details

 Details of the Council's adopted Council Tax Reduction Scheme can be downloaded below.

The Council's previous Council Tax Reduction Scheme can be downloaded below.

See other Council Tax discounts and exemptions

Income bands and contribution rates for 2025/26

The Council Tax Reduction (Working Age) Scheme will introduce income bands with required contribution rates towards Council Tax as listed below for customers in receipt of Universal Credit.

Monthly Earnings:  Required Weekly Contribution
Monthly earnings less than £309.00    No contribution
Monthly earnings of £309 to £649.99 Contribution of £10.85
Monthly earnings of £650 to £1236.99 Contribution of £21.92
Monthly earnings of £1237 to £1967.99    Contribution of £31.62
Monthly earnings of £1968 to £2527.99 Contribution of £47.54
Monthly earnings of £2528 to £2999.99   Contribution of £61.15
Monthly earnings of £3000 and above:    Full Council Tax payable

Non-dependant deductions for 2025/26

Non-dependants are expected to contribute towards the Council Tax.  The non-dependant deductions used within the Council Tax Reduction Scheme are the same as the Government uses for the Prescribed scheme.  The Government reviews and updates these amounts every year.

For each non-dependant per week

Not in paid work £5.00
In receipt of Universal Credit on the basis of no earned income           Nil
In receipt of Universal Credit with earned income working less than 16 hours week   £5.00
In paid work whose gross weekly income is less than £266     £5.00
In paid work whose gross weekly income is between £266 and £462.99    £10.20
In paid work whose gross weekly income is between £463 and £576.99  £12.80
In paid work whose gross weekly income is £577 or more   £15.35
Receiving Income Support, Jobseekers Allowance (income based)  Nil
Receiving Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)  Nil
Receiving pension credit         Nil

What is a non-dependant?

A non-dependant is someone aged 18 years or over who lives as part of the household but is not the partner/spouse.  It does not include someone living within the household who has a legally enforceable agreement to pay rent. Most typically non-dependants are adult children or elderly relatives.

If the non-dependants living in the household are married to each other or living together as a couple, we add their incomes together and take just one deduction.

Deductions are not made if the householder or their partner are registered blind, receiving Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance (Care) or Personal Independence Payment (daily living component) or if the non-dependant themselves meets certain criteria (eg is a student, prisoner, in hospital for over 52 weeks).