Extra help: Discretionary Housing Payments

Money is available to help people who receive Housing Benefit, but still do not have enough to pay their rent.

This also applies to people who receive the housing cost element of Universal Credit.

Discretionary Housing Payment

In special circumstances, we can make a discretionary housing payment to give extra help with rent. If the amount you are awarded is not enough to meet your rent, you can apply for a discretionary housing payment. We treat every claim individually.

  • Discretionary housing payments are not Benefit payments, but are paid from a discretionary fund. Benefit appeal rules do not apply
  • There is a limited budget for discretionary housing payments and awards made are usually temporary and for a fixed period. We cannot make an award in every case
  • We can only consider a discretionary payment towards your rent if you are receiving some Housing Benefit or the housing cost element of Universal Credit

Discretionary housing payments may provide help where:

  • your benefit is reduced because you are living in a property larger than required for your household size;
  • your maximum rent figure has been restricted by the Rent Officer or a Local Housing Allowance rate;
  • your benefit is reduced because your income is higher than your applicable amount;
  • you have a non-dependant living with you and a deduction is being made - which your non-dependant cannot afford to pay;
  • you are affected by the Benefit Capping rules;
  • you need extra financial help with your ongoing rent situation;
  • you need help with rent in advance or a deposit to help you move to a more affordable property.

Do you need to move but can't afford the rent in advance payment or deposit? If so then our Housing Options team can assist in assessing your needs for a move, the affordability of the accommodation and liaising with landlords. Certain funds including discretionary housing payments may be available to help facilitate moves in certain circumstances. Contact the Housing Options team on 01473 432000

Please note if you are over-accommodated and have extra bedrooms, we expect you to be working with your housing department to try and move to a property more suited to your family's needs before we can consider extra help.

Applying for a Discretionary Housing Payment

Complete an online form below:

Note that the button opens in a new window.

Discretionary Housing Payment application form 

Discretionary Housing Payment application form - rent in advance/deposit

Please answer the questions as fully as you can. The more information you give us, the better we will be able to understand your circumstances and your need for extra financial help.

Discretionary housing payments cannot provide help for:

  • Service charges that do not qualify for Housing Benefit, such as fuel, water or food
  • Increases in rent to recover arrears
  • Rent if you do not receive Housing Benefit or the housing cost element of Universal Credit
  • Any reduction due to a sanction being imposed
  • Any benefit that has been suspended
  • Council Tax

There is no appeal right against the decision made regarding your discretionary housing payment award, but you can ask us to look at the decision again.

Discretionary Housing Payments - Guidance & Procedures

Independent financial advice can be found on the following websites: