Non-payment of Business Rates

If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot afford to pay your Business Rates you should contact us immediately. We can check to make sure you are receiving the discounts and reliefs to which you may be entitled. After considering your circumstances we will try to make a suitable payment arrangement with you.

If you do not contact us and continue to fall behind with your payments, legal action will be taken against you. This will result in additional costs being added to your account. It is, therefore, important that you let us know if you have difficulty in paying your business rates bill.

What happens if you don't pay your Business Rates? 

By law, the Council must send a Reminder Notice if your instalments are not up to date. If you do not bring them up to date within 14 days you may lose the right to pay by instalments.  This will mean the total outstanding balance of your account will become due. 

You can make a payment now by using our secure Online Payments system – simply click on the button below:

Access online payments

Alternatively, please call our telephone payments line on 01473 937866 (available 24 hours a day).

You can also set up a Direct Debit online by clicking the link below:

Set up your Direct Debit

Or by calling us using the Contact Details shown.

If you are sent a Final Notice this will demand that the total balance on your account is paid within 7 days.

If you do not pay the amount requested, or if you do not contact us to make a suitable payment arrangement, you will be sent a Summons. The Summons require that you attend the Magistrates Court. This will result in Court cost fees being added to your account, in addition to the Business Rates you owe. 

Find out what happens if you receive a Summons for non-payment.