Make a Difference (MAD) Fund

The making a difference fund (MAD fund) is a fund set aside from the main area committee budgets each year. Up to 10% of each area committee's annual budget may be set aside for the MAD fund and divided equally amongst the town wards in your area. Typically, it is used to purchase small items for single events.

Councillors can access the portion of the MAD fund allocated to their ward to make local improvements. Each ward has an annual budget (see below, last updated 2 October 2024).

The remaining 2024/25 MAD Fund budgets per ward are:


  • Alexandra:          £500.00
  • St Margaret’s:     £500.00
  • Westgate:           £500.00

View Central Ipswich map.

South West:

  • Gipping:              £500.00
  • Bridge:                £500.00
  • Sprites                £500.00
  • Stoke Park          £500.00

View South West Ipswich map.

North West:

  • Castle Hill:          £500.00
  • Whitton:              £500.00
  • Whitehouse:       £500.00

View North West Ipswich map.

South East:

  • Gainsborough:   £250.00
  • Priory Heath:      £500.00
  • Holywells:           £500.00

View South East Ipswich map.

North East:

  • Rushmere:          £500.00
  • St John’s:            £500.00
  • Bixley:                 £100.00

View North East Ipswich map.

Who and what do we fund?

MAD Funding is available to make positive improvements within your ward area and is awarded to groups for small scale community initiatives that meet local community needs.

As with area committee funding, the council funds projects led by VCSFE groups/organisations. These must address at least one of the priorities outlined in the relevant area action plan and benefit a significant number of people from within the specific ward.

Below are the current local action plans in PDF format:

Examples of items supported by MAD Funding:

  • One off project expenses such as equipment or similar costs.
  • Contributions to celebration events with lasting community benefit or a follow up plan of community engagement.
  • Start-up costs for a new group or organisation.
  • Match funding for projects – evidence will be required that match funding has been secured.

Items that are not covered by MAD funding:

  • Ongoing revenue or maintenance costs.
  • Insurance, feasibility studies, planning etc. application costs, solicitors or other fees.
  • Donations to individuals.
  • Donations to commercial bodies or events.
  • Direct staffing costs.

Examples of previously funded projects can be found in the Area Committee Projects 2022/23 (PDF).

How to apply

To apply for a making a difference grant please email the community engagement team at with the following information:

  • A short brief of your proposal (including how much funding you require, a cost breakdown, the ward area you would like to apply to and evidence of how your proposal will impact residents of that ward)
  • Your group's constitution/ governance document
  • Proof of a bank account in the name of your group/ organisation (i.e. a bank statement)
  • A safeguarding policy

Once the team has received your application, eligibility will be checked before processing the application.

Review the full MAD funding guidelines (PDF) document which give a full outline of the application process and eligibility criteria. 

Further information:

The community engagement team are here to help. Contact: or 01473 432224 for guidance and support to complete applications. You can also contact your Ward Councillor to discuss your ideas further.

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