Environmental protection

Find more information on how we monitor and control air, land and noise pollution.

Find out how to report noise and other pollution issues.

Contact details

Environmental Health,
Ipswich Borough Council, 
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,

Email: environmental.health@ipswich.gov.uk

Also in this section

Services List


Find information on common causes of noise and advice on how to reduce noise.

If you are dealing with persistent, unreasonable noise that can not be resolved informally, you can report it to us online.

Dust, odour and smoke

Strategies for effectively managing issues related to dust, odour and smoke in your environment.

Find out how to report dust, odour or smoke nuisance online.

Waste offences

Find information on the various waste issues we deal with within the borough, including littering, dog fouling and duty of care offences.

Report illegal dumping and waste accumulations online.

Air quality

Find information on how we monitor and manage air quality to improve the local environment.

Find useful air quality resources, including schools resources and guidelines for developers.

Contaminated land

Our contaminated land strategy outlines how we carry out our responsibilities under the Government's contaminated land legislation.

Find contaminated land advice notes for developers, consultants and the public.

PPC environmental permitting

Find information on how we regulate factories and activities like dry cleaners and petrol stations to reduce pollution and improve air quality.

Find how to apply for a permit.

Abandoned vehicles

Find information on abandoned vehicles.

Find out how to report an abandoned vehicle online.

Tell us about your experience of using our website