Help for anyone experiencing domestic abuse

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Domestic abuse includes any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. The abuse can be psychological, physical, social, financial, or emotional.

Domestic abuse can happen between two people who are or were intimate partners or family members, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

If you are in fear of a partner, ex-partner or member of your family, you might be experiencing domestic abuse.

Do they often...

  • Call you names and make you feel bad about yourself?
  • Make you afraid by threatening you or your children?
  • Behave violently towards you?
  • Stop you seeing your friends or family?
  • Keep you without money?
  • Harm you or make you feel you could be seriously harmed?

If the answer to some of these questions is yes you might be experiencing domestic abuse.

Get help now


Call the police on 999 if:

  • Your personal safety is threatened
  • You are at risk of assault or injury
  • In an emergency

Report domestic abuse to police: Report domestic abuse | Suffolk Constabulary

More information is available on the police website: Home | Suffolk Constabulary

Anglia Care Trust - Domestic Abuse Outreach Service (DAOS)

DAOS offers crisis support, advice, and drop-in sessions. They also specialise in supporting male victims of domestic abuse.

Call: 0800 977 5690

Visit the Anglia Care Trust website.


FORWARD (Foundation of Women's Health Research and Development) is the African women-led women's rights organisation working to end violence against women and girls.

Call: 0208 960 4000

Visit the FORWARD website.


Galop supports LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.

Call: 0800 999 5428

Visit the Galop website.

Ipswich Lighthouse Women's Aid hotline

A Suffolk-based charity providing support for women, young people, and children affected by domestic abuse. They offer confidential advice and can help find refuge spaces across the country if you need to leave home immediately.

Call: 01473 228 270

Iris – Sexual Assault Service

Iris is a Community Sexual Assault Service for people of any age and gender in Suffolk who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any point in their lives. Iris support people with an individualised plan to build resilience and progress recovery.

Call: 01473 921 824

Visit the Iris website Iris – Sexual Assault Service – Suffolk GP Federation

Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services

Offers free, confidential, and non-judgmental advice and support in Suffolk and Norfolk.

Call: 0300 561 0077

Visit the Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services website.

Mankind Advice Line

Helping men escape domestic abuse.

Call: 01823 334244

Visit the Mankind website.

National Domestic Violence Helpline

You can contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline if you're a woman experiencing domestic abuse. You can talk confidentially to someone about your situation and to find out what your options are.

Call: 0808 2000 247

Visit the National Domestic Violence Help website.

National Stalking Helpline

The National Stalking Helpline run by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust has been supporting and advising victims of stalking since 2010.

Call: 0808 802 0300

Visit the Suzy Lamplugh Trust website.

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Advice Line

Provides emotional and practical support to victims of crime, regardless of whether the police have been contacted or how long ago the crime occurred.

Call: 0300 303 3706

Visit the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care website.

Respect - Men's Advice Line

If you are a man experiencing domestic abuse you can contact the Respect Men's Advice Line.

Call: 0808 801 0327

Visit the Respect Men's Advice Line website.


Call the Samaritans if you feel in despair and want someone to listen to you and provide emotional support.

Call: 08457 90 90 90

Visit Samaritans website.

Suffolk Domestic Abuse hotline

The service is available to men and women over 16 years of age. They offer a wide range of services, advice and information.

Call: 0800 977 5690

The Ferns Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Call: 0330 223 0099

Visit The Ferns Sexual Assault Referral Centre website.

Women's Aid

The service offers different kinds of support including a Flexible Fund for survivors of domestic abuse.

Visit Women's Aid website.

Get homelessness help from the council

You can apply to our housing options team as a homeless person if you can't stay in your home.

The Council has to give you advice about finding somewhere to live. Some people are entitled to emergency accommodation.

If the Council has a duty to find you somewhere to live you will be asked to provide details of your situation. You may be asked for supporting evidence, which could include details and dates of incidents.

Don't make a decision to give up your home permanently until you have spoken to an adviser and considered all your options.

Refuges for women

Women experiencing domestic abuse may be able to stay in a women's refuge.

Some refuges are specifically for women from certain backgrounds, such as Irish or Asian women.

Staff at refuges can give you advice about your situation.

Contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 for more information about refuges.

Refuges for men

If you are man who has to leave home because of domestic abuse, you can make a homeless application to the Council.

There is limited specialist housing for men experiencing domestic abuse.

Help for children and young people

If you or someone else in your family is being hurt at home, you may not be sure what you can do about it. Domestic abuse is not your fault and you won't get into trouble for telling someone about it.

The first thing is to tell someone else about what is happening to you. You can tell a teacher, a neighbour, a friend or a friend's parent.

You can call Childline on 0800 1111 for free. They won't tell anyone else you are calling unless you are in immediate danger. They can tell you about places where you can get help.

Find out more from The Hideout about children and young people and domestic abuse and violence.

Domestic Abuse Policy

Download Ipswich Borough Council's Domestic Abuse Policy (PDF).

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