The Ipswich Lettings Experience Team (LET), run by Ipswich Borough Council, offers free services to help private landlords and letting agents find quality tenants in Ipswich, including a Rent Guarantee Scheme and a Deposit Bond Scheme. Since 2013, LET has helped secure over 90 tenancies through partnerships with more than 70 letting agents and 60 private landlords.
Landlord services
If you are a private sector landlord or agent and would like Ipswich LET to help you find a suitable tenant we can offer the following services free of charge:
- Rent Guarantee Scheme
- Deposit Bond Scheme
- Tenant Finding Service
For more details, visit Ipswich LET or contact us at 01473 478429 or
Landlord Testimonal
“I couldn’t be happier, how easy and smooth the whole process is.” - Ipswich LET Landlord, 2018
Tenant Testimonial
“Ipswich LET were brilliant, they went way beyond their job to help us not end up in a B & B!” - LET Tenant, 2018
If you are a private sector landlord or agent and would like Ipswich LET to help you find a suitable tenant, or would just like an informal chat, please contact us on 01473 478429 or email
Useful links:
- Right Move: Search for private sector properties
- Housing Options: Get housing advice and assistance
- Discretionary Housing Payments: Financial help with rent-related costs