Ipswich Lettings Experience Team (LET)

The Ipswich Lettings Experience Team (LET), run by Ipswich Borough Council, offers free services to help private landlords and letting agents find quality tenants in Ipswich, including a Rent Guarantee Scheme and a Deposit Bond Scheme. Since 2013, LET has helped secure over 90 tenancies through partnerships with more than 70 letting agents and 60 private landlords.

Landlord services

If you are a private sector landlord or agent and would like Ipswich LET to help you find a suitable tenant we can offer the following services free of charge:

  • Rent Guarantee Scheme
  • Deposit Bond Scheme
  • Tenant Finding Service

For more details, visit Ipswich LET or contact us at 01473 478429 or landlords@ipswich.gov.uk.

Landlord Testimonal 

“I couldn’t be happier, how easy and smooth the whole process is.” - Ipswich LET Landlord, 2018

Tenant Testimonial 

“Ipswich LET were brilliant, they went way beyond their job to help us not end up in a B & B!” - LET Tenant, 2018

If you are a private sector landlord or agent and would like Ipswich LET to help you find a suitable tenant, or would just like an informal chat, please contact us on 01473 478429 or email landlords@ipswich.gov.uk

Useful links: