Council teams are being joined by the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service for a fire safety awareness event on the Cornhill tomorrow, Tuesday 20 August.
The event from 10am to 2pm aims to raise awareness of the common cause of house fires, including discarded cigarettes, candles left unattended, and accidents when cooking. It also aims to encourage people to install smoke alarms and check them weekly.
The Council’s housing and tenancy support teams will be available along with Suffolk firefighters to offer advice on the things we can all do to reduce the risk of fire in our homes. Throughout the event, they will share practical tips and safety information to help people keep themselves and others protected, indoors and outdoors.
Councillor Alasdair Ross, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Housing, says:
“We’ve teamed up with the Fire Service to raise awareness with Ipswich residents on the common causes for house fires.
“We want to provide advice to the public on the simple checks we can all do to reduce the risk of fire in our homes, and to stress the importance of having working fire alarms. We’d like to thank Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service for supporting our event.”
For advice from Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, please visit the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service Fire Safety Information page.