New Community Engagement Strategy to be considered by Executive

Grafton House - Ipswich Borough Council offices

Ipswich Borough Council will consider recommendations for a new Community Engagement Strategy at its next Executive meeting on Tuesday 10 September.

Formal adoption of this Strategy will reflect the Council’s commitment to ensuring increased and improved engagement with residents as part of the ‘Proud of Ipswich’ Corporate Plan. The recommendations retain a focus on neighbourhood presence and inclusion, built around residents and where they live. They also lay out a flexible approach, with a wide range of mechanisms that reflect the way in which residents and groups may wish to engage with the Council on different topics, at different times.

Five key commitments outlined within the Strategy are to involve local people in shaping local projects and services, to offer options which make it easy to have their say, to be inclusive and encourage participation by all communities, to be impactful and work hard to give feedback to residents, and to be skilled in delivering unbiased, effective engagement methods.

As part of the Council’s review of its strategic approach to engagement, and the delivery required to meet future ambitions, a councillor working group was established to look at how engagement and involvement could be improved. Their recommendations also reflected the best practice identified from other local authorities on implementation of new community engagement activities.

As a result, the recommended activities included in the Strategy are wide ranging and flexible, allowing for the right approach to be matched to the type of engagement required, and also for broad and ongoing engagement through a panel model.

These methods include neighbourhood meetings and workshops engaging on key local topics within community spaces, attendance at existing community events and activities in local neighbourhoods, gaining input and feedback through open surveys and polls, liaison with key community leaders representing diverse demographics, and a Residents’ Panel for in-depth engagement on borough-wide topics.

Councillor John Cook, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Communities and Sport, says:

"When Ipswich Borough Council consults with its residents, we genuinely want their input.  This Strategy will support councillors and officers to ensure we listen to and value input from residents in shaping the future of our town. We aim to create more accessible and meaningful ways for our community to engage with the Council, helping us to provide better services and improve the lives of everyone in Ipswich."

Full papers for the Ipswich Borough Council Executive meeting on Tuesday 10 September 2024 at 6pm can be found on the Democracy Online website.