Cross party proposal for Greater Ipswich Unitary Council

Ipswich Borough Council logo closeup

In a landmark show of unity, the leaders of the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat groups on Ipswich Borough Council are set to propose a motion to this week’s Council meeting that new local government arrangements for Suffolk should have a Greater Ipswich Unitary Council at their heart. 

Last week the Council received an invitation from the Minister for Devolution and Local Government inviting all Councils in Suffolk to develop proposals for local government reorganisation. 

The Group Leaders have now considered the detail within the invitation and are set to debate the following motion:

  • Ipswich, as Suffolk's county town, must have a prominent place in any new local government arrangements.
  • A single unitary Suffolk Council would be too remote from residents and would not be in the best interests of Ipswich people and businesses.
  • The pattern of local government that best reflects the communities of Suffolk would be three unitary councils representing Greater Ipswich, East Suffolk and West Suffolk.
  • This Council will work with the Government, our local MPs and other local authorities in Suffolk to achieve this.

The motion will be debated at a special meeting of all Ipswich Borough Councillors on Wednesday evening (12 February 2025) at the Town Hall. 

A unitary council for Greater Ipswich would provide all the services and functions currently fulfilled by Suffolk County Council and Ipswich Borough Council. The opportunity to simplify local government arrangements follows the government decision last week to place Suffolk and Norfolk on the Devolution Priority Programme.