The Executive to discuss variable charging for Residents Parking Zones

Photo showing a sign for resident parking in Ipswich

Ipswich Borough Council’s Executive is to next week (Tuesday 11 March) review the fees charged for permits within its Residents Parking Scheme.

The Council has administered the Residents Parking Scheme on behalf of Suffolk County Council since 1983, overseeing its administration, enforcement, and permit fees. As the number of vehicles on the road continues to rise, the availability of on-street parking in Residential Parking Zones has become an increasing concern for residents.

To address these challenges, the Council is proposing a new variable charging structure for parking permits based on vehicle size (length) within Residential Parking Zones 1–5. 

Under the proposed changes:

  • Vehicles classified as medium or large would be subject to a premium charge, reflecting the additional space they occupy
  • Vehicles over 6m in length, such as long-wheelbase vans, caravans, trailers, and motorhomes, would not be eligible for a permit
  • Residents  who own tradesperson vehicles above 6 m in length will be permitted to purchase permits in the large vehicle category due to their residential status. Likewise, residents who look to apply for permits for tradespeople utilising a vehicle over 6 m in length, will also be permitted to purchase a permit in the large vehicle category
  • Zone 2 will continue to prohibit second permits due to significantly limited parking space
  • Blue Badge holders would remain exempt from charges.

Councillor Jane Riley, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Culture and Customers, says:    

"Due to the limited space within our residential parking zones and the increasing size of vehicles on the roads, the Council is proposing the introduction of a variable charging system for medium and large vehicles. The scheme aims to ensure fairer use of available parking spaces so that those who require more space are charged accordingly as well as encouraging more sustainable vehicle choices.” 

Full details of the report to Executive for agreement can be found on the Council’s website.