Grass cutting in Ipswich

The maintenance of grassed areas in public open spaces and housing areas is undertaken by Ipswich Borough Council.

Grass cutting on highway verges and maintaining roundabouts in Ipswich is the responsibility of Suffolk County Council. To report an issue please use this link Grass cutting - Suffolk County Council.

Verge Cutting in Ipswich

Date w/c 18/03/24 w/c 25/03/24 w/c 01/04/24 w/c 08/04/24 w/c 15/04/24 w/c 22/04/24 w/c 29/04/24 w/c 06/05/2024
Ward / No of week days 5 days 4 days + Bank Holiday 4 days + Bank Holiday 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 4 days
St Margarets              
Castle Hill              
St Johns              
Stoke Park              
Priory Heath              

Missed areas

Ipswich has many parks and open spaces, housing land to cover, and while our grounds maintenance teams work hard to cut as much grass as possible, areas may occasionally be missed. If you feel an area of grass has not been cut where nearby areas have, please contact us.

Cemeteries and churchyards

Wherever the Council has responsibility for maintenance of cemeteries, the grass will be cut as follows: The Lawn and Millennium cemeteries will be maintained 10-12 times a year, whilst the Old and New Cemeteries cutting, and strimming will be carried out on a monthly basis.

There are areas that are kept as conservation areas, where the grass is deliberately left longer to support wildlife. It is not felt appropriate to use herbicides on grassed areas around memorials and preference to maintain the grass through mowing and strimming.

Occasionally, grass cuttings (arisings) do fall on to memorials especially when the grass is cut when wet. While we try to keep this to a minimum, it is sometimes unavoidable.

Long grass

Ipswich Borough Council has adopted a long grass policy to change short mown amenity grass to long grass and / or tree planted areas which will increase biodiversity and deliver savings as required in the current Medium Term Financial Plan.

Read our long grass policy (PDF)