Reversion of Building Regulation Applications

Under the Building Act 1984 it is possible for a third party Approved Inspector to carry out the building control function for controllable work, to do so they submit an Initial Notice to the Council. This removes the Council from any obligation to control the work and approval of the work is therefore subject to the Approved Inspectors control.

Cancellation of Initial Notice

Where the Approved Inspector is no longer able to carry out that function, for whatever reason, and the work has not commenced the Initial Notice will need to be cancelled in the first instance to allow another approved body, such as your local authority building control team, to undertake the regulatory work. The cancellation notice can either be submitted by the Approved Inspector or by the person carrying out the work. Here is a prescribed form that needs to be used:

Please note a person failing to submit, without reasonable excuse, a cancellation notice, in the case of an Approved Inspector no longer being able to carry out their building control function, is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.

Reversion application process

In order to make a reversion application you will need to contact your local authority building control team who will arrange for a surveyor to come to site to assess the status of work, what will need to be done to obtain compliance and to confirm our fee to do so. We will aim to work with you to ensure works can be approved and appropriate certification issued in as timely a fashion as possible.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to submit a Reversion application online due to the bespoke nature of each application. To apply you will need to submit the appropriate application form via email at or post using the contact details on this page. 

You can download the application form below: