Flood Evacuation Plans


This guidance has been prepared for the purpose of assisting developers required to submit Flood Evacuation Plans (FEP) to fulfil Planning Condition requirements associated with property development within the flood plain of Ipswich.

As required under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Ipswich Borough Council has fully consulted with partners of the Suffolk Resilience Forum in order to ensure adequate cross agency awareness of the needs associated with FEPs and the planning consultation process.

Every effort has been made to ensure this guidance is accurate and comprehensive as at the date it was prepared, however it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that any additional risks relevant to a particular property development are fully considered. Ipswich Borough Council will not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or misleading statements in this guidance or for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of relying on this guidance.

Submission of completed FEPs

Copies of your completed FEP should be sent directly to the Chief Constable and the Chief Fire Officer (in addition to the local planning authority) where the conditions on the planning permission required consultation with the emergency services

Communication of warnings

Particular attention should be given to the communication of warnings to vulnerable people including those with impaired hearing or sight and those with restricted mobility.

Individual dwellings and whole sites can be registered with the Environment Agency's flood warning service 'Floodline Warnings Direct'. The Floodline Warnings Direct (FWD) service provides information concerning the current and future flooding danger. In the event that flooding in Ipswich is anticipated, the Environment Agency will issue a flood warning by telephoning a pre-arranged number with a recorded message.

The 3 flood warning codes are:
Flood Alert: Flooding is possible. Be aware.
Flood Warning: Flooding is expected. Immediate action required. 
Severe Flood Warning:  Severe flooding. Danger to life.

Please note: The Flood Alert warning is unlikely to be relevant to the majority of developments in Ipswich due to the presence of substantial river defences. It is therefore recommended that developers check with the Environment Agency on the appropriateness of this warning for their development in order to avoid the negative public impact of frequent unnecessary warnings.

Coordination with neighbouring sites

Developers are strongly encouraged to liaise with the developers of any neighbouring and nearby sites in the drafting of their FEPs to coordinate procedures and so minimise confusion during an incident.

Responsibilities and procedures

The Environment Agency is responsible for the provision of flood warnings to the public.

The police will be the lead agency in respect of flood evacuation.

FEPs should reflect the fact that staying put, rather than evacuating, will normally be the safer option in the event of flooding because of the dangers of moving in flooded areas such as lifted manhole covers and contaminated water.

Consideration should be given to informing appropriate response organisations, such as the council's Ipswich HEARS service and Social Services, about any elderly or vulnerable people who may require extra assistance in the event of an emergency such as a flood.

Our Emergencies web pages contain useful information which you may wish to consult/refer to in your FEP.

Ensure that the FEP deals with the potential difficulties involved in immediate evacuation which may need to be carried out in inclement weather and require the provision of transport to reach local authority designated rest centres.

Suggested structure for your FEP


  • Describe the location of the site fully and accurately.
    • Attach a site plan to help identify the location and size of the site.
    • State the size of the development including the number and type of properties within the development.
    • Define the access and egress arrangements for the site, the height of proposed buildings and the rescue or re-supply points for those instructed not to evacuate.
  • State the Environment Agency's estimate as to the likelihood of the site being subject to flooding. How big is the risk?
  • State who will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the FEP.

Warning arrangements

  • How will residents/tenants be informed if a flood is likely to occur?
  • Do you intend to register the site with the Environment Agency's flood warning service 'Floodline'?
  • What procedure will you follow in responding to any flood warnings received from the Environment Agency?

Instructions to residents in the event of a flood warning

  • How will residents be instructed on the procedures to follow in the event of a flood or flood warnings? 
  • What will these instructions cover?
  • When residents leave, how will new residents be informed of the flood evacuation procedures?

Instructions to commercial tenants in the event of a flood warning

  • How will commercial tenants be instructed on the procedures to follow in the event of a flood or flood warnings?
  • What will these instructions cover?
  • When commercial tenants leave, how will new commercial tenants be informed of the flood evacuation procedures?

5. Advice and information from developers

  • List useful telephone numbers and websites.
  • Provide residents/tenants with application forms to register with the Environment Agency's Floodline Warnings Direct service.