How we process your planning application

Application registration

Applications are registered by a Planning Officer. Valid applications will normally be registered in the week that they are received, in order that they appear on the weekly press list. This is featured in the Ipswich Star newspaper on a Tuesday.

In order for an application to be included on the press list it will generally have to be registered by 3pm on Thursday. However, if you would like your application to appear on a particular press list you will need to liaise with a Planning Officer. We cannot guarantee that every application received by 3pm on Thursdays will automatically be on the following week's press list.

In addition to advertising applications in the local press, we will directly notify affected neighbours and display a site notice in most cases.

We carry out various consultations and encourage all consultees to respond within 21 days.

Applications are progressed so that a decision can be made within the statutory 8-week or 13 week period. Currently 80% of applications are dealt with in this period.

The case officer will be happy to discuss applications with any interested party, although please telephone in advance to make an appointment. If the case officer is unavailable an administration assistant can usually update interested parties on the progress of applications.

Inspection of documents

The application documentations can be inspected online during office hours at Grafton House Reception.  Reception is open from 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday. You may also inspect the application details from home using Planning Online.

In accordance with Government advice, around 90% of applications are dealt with under powers delegated to the Head of Planning and Development & Public Protection in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation. The remainder are submitted to the Planning and Development Committee.

Conservation Area or Listed Building applications

Some applications affecting Conservation Areas or Listed Buildings will be considered by the Ipswich Conservation and Design Panel first so that its comments can be taken into account.