You may find the following information useful. Paper copies of some leaflets can be obtained from the Town Planning team.
Householder's visual guide
Useful tools produced by the Planning Portal.
Planning aid
Information produced by the Royal Town Planning Institute to help individuals and communities understand the planning system.
Outdoor advertisements and signs
Information prepared by GOV.UK.
Planning practice guidance
Guidance from the Department for Communities & Local Government.
Guides to planning appeals
Proceeding by written representations
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Proceeding by a hearing
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Proceeding by an inquiry
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Guides to enforcement appeals
Proceeding by written representation
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Proceeding by a hearing
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Proceeding by an inquiry
Produced by the Planning Inspectorate, July 2009.
Tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas
Guidance from Planning Practice Guidance, 2014.
High hedges: Complaining to the Council
This leaflet explains what complaints local authorities can consider and how they will deal with them.
Over the garden hedge
A leaflet on how to settle your hedge differences without involving the local authority. This process must be attempted before a complaint can be made to your local authority.
Planning Consultants
Where to find planning advice in the East of England
Produced by the Royal Town Planning Institute.
Download a list of consultants and consultancies offering planning advice and services (PDF)
The Institution of Environmental Sciences
The Institution is a charitable organisation which promotes and raises public awareness of environmental science by supporting professional scientists and academics working in this crucial arena.
Planning applications and reptiles
Guidelines for Local Authorities and Developers, produced by Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
Space and design guidelines supplementary planning document (SPD) 2015
Produced by Ipswich Borough Council.
Solid wall insulation
An Introductory Guide for householders in Suffolk
Produced by Suffolk County Council.
Technical Reference Guide
Produced by Suffolk County Council.
Planning Policy Publications
There are a number of publications regarding Planning Policy in Ipswich, including the Ipswich Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Guidance, and other reports listed in the Planning Policy supporting information section of this website.