Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD - call for ideas

Please note: The "Call for Ideas" consultation has now closed.

The adopted Core Strategy establishes the principle of an urban extension to north Ipswich on land between Westerfield village, Henley Road, Tuddenham Road and Valley Road.  The principle of development cannot be revisited, but the total number of dwellings will, however, be determined through a forthcoming review of the Core Strategy.

The Council will now be preparing a Development Brief to guide the development of the area, to ensure that it is planned comprehensively and that all the necessary infrastructure is secured.

Community involvement

The Council is committed to involving the community and as a first step would like to hear your views on up to ten subject areas which you think the Development Brief should focus on. We would welcome your ideas about how we can create an attractive new neighbourhood, which benefits its own and adjacent communities. What do you hope the development would deliver and what are your greatest concerns arising from the development?

The Council will review all responses received and then develop options for how development could be laid out, taking into account community views. At that stage there will be further public consultation before a preferred Development Brief is settled upon by the Council. There will then be a period of formal consultation before the Development Brief is formally adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document.

Available documents