Superseded Ipswich Local Plan 1997-2027

Please note that this has been superseded by the Adopted Ipswich Local Plan 2011 - 2031. You can find information on the previous Local Plans below.

Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document 2011

The Ipswich Borough Council Core Strategy and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) and Proposals Map were formally adopted by the Council on 14 December 2011.

The Core Strategy and Policies DPD sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies to guide development for Ipswich Borough until 2027. It does not allocate sites for development other than strategic sites of Borough-wide significance. It replaces a number of saved policies from the 1997 Ipswich Local Plan.

The Proposals Map key indicates which 1997 Local Plan designations and allocations are changed and which remain in force until updated by other Development Plan Documents. 

Additional reports that supported the adoption of the Core Strategy and Policies DPD can be downloaded below.

Ipswich Local Plan 1997

The Ipswich Local Plan was adopted in November 1997. In 2007 a number of the Local Plan policies were ‘saved’.

The 1997 Local Plan and maps can be viewed and downloaded below:

You may find our Local Plan Glossary below helpful as an introductory guide to Local Plan issues.