Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge that could be set against some types of new development in the Borough.

Although the Council recognises the preparation of a CIL in its Local Development Scheme, due to the publication of the Housing White Paper ‘Fixing our Broken Housing Market’ and the Government’s commitment to review the current system of developer contributions, work on a CIL has been put on hold. 

The government has further signalled its intention to reform and streamline developer contributions through the ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper published August 2020. Future infrastructure funding will be considered when more information is known about the government’s plans for reforming developer contributions. In the meantime, Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act is the Council’s preferred approach to securing high-quality mitigation to make proposals acceptable. .

Useful link

Following consultation on a preliminary draft charging schedule in 2013-14, the feasibility of proceeding with a CIL is under review.  A report updating the position is scheduled to be considered by the Council’s Executive on 11th July 2017

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge that will be set against some types of new development in the Borough. The CIL charge for any particular development will be determined by varying rates (based on development type, scale and locality) that are to be expressed as pounds per square metre and levied on the net additional floor space created, subject to statutory exemptions. The rates will be annually adjusted in line with changes in the BCIS All-in Tender Price Index until such time that the Council reviews these. The money to be raised from the levy will be used to fund the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of local infrastructure.

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

A Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule has been prepared in accordance with the recommendations made within a CIL Viability Study report for Ipswich that was carried out by Peter Brett Associates LLP on behalf of the Council. Comments are invited on the assumptions used in this report and the proposed CIL rates and payment schedule as identified in Section 4 of the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule below.

This consultation ran from Wednesday 4 December 2013 until 5pm on Wednesday 22 January 2014.