Retail Surveys

The Council undertakes retail surveys each year to monitor the types of uses and number of vacant units within the Central Shopping Area and the District and Local Centres.

The Central Shopping Area comprises the Primary, Secondary and Specialist Shopping Zones, which are defined on the IP-One Area Inset Policies Map. 

District and Local Centres perform an important role serving, to varying degrees, the day-to-day convenience, food and services needs of their local resident catchment populations.

Please Note - The Ipswich Local Plan 2018-2036 was adopted in March 2022 and will provide the basis for future retail surveys. In the interim, the documents below, Central Shopping Area Retail Units by Zone 2021/22, support the implementation of Policy DM27 (The Central Shopping Area) of the Ipswich Local Plan 2018-2036.

Retail Survey Reports 2023/24

Retail Survey Reports 2022/23

Retail Survey Reports 2021/22

Retail Survey Reports 2019/21

  • The surveys for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 reporting years could not be carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions on site visits.

Retail Survey Reports 2018/19

Retail Survey Reports 2017/18

Retail Survey Reports 2016/17

Retail Survey Reports 2015/16

Retail Survey Reports 2014/15

Retail Survey Reports 2013/14