Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide guidance on applying Local Plan policies. Prior to the introduction of SPDs in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Council produced a number of Supplementary Planning Guidance documents (SPGs). The guidance contained in SPDs and SPGs is a material consideration in the consideration of planning applications.
Adopted SPDs
Ipswich Borough Council has adopted the following SPDs:
- Development and Flood Risk SPD July 2022
- Low Emissions SPD December 2021
- Local List (Building of Townscape Interest) SPD July 2021
- Reptile Strategy SPD July 2021
- Suffolk Coast RAMS SPD February 2020
- Ipswich Town Centre and Waterfront Public Realm SPD July 2019 (PDF)
- Ipswich Urban Character Studies SPD July 2019
- Development and Archaeology SPD November 2018
- Public Open Space SPD March 2017
- Cycling Strategy SPD July 2016
- Shop Front Design Guide SPD July 2016
- Development and Flood Risk SPD January 2016 (PDF) (This SPD has been superseded by the Development and Flood Risk SPD July 2022)
- Space and Design Guidelines SPD November 2015
Developing SPDs
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the Council’s project plan for the preparation of documents including SPD.
Identified Frontages (Central Shopping Area and District and Local Centres) SPD
An Identified Frontages (Central Shopping Area and District and Local Centres) SPD was previously due to be prepared to review and amend the identified frontages within the Primary, Secondary and Speciality Shopping Area of the Central Shopping Area, and the District and Local Centres. However, the 2018 review of the National Planning Policy Framework deleted reference to frontages. As a consequence, the draft Local Plan Review has revised the approach within the Central Shopping Area to focus on groups of shop units instead of frontages. The groups are identified through an appendix to the draft Local Plan Review. The change in approach responds to the need for greater flexibility in the Central Shopping Area to support town centre regeneration. Therefore, the Council no longer plans to prepare this SPD.
Supplementary Planning Guidance
- Development Control Policies & Design Guidelines 1992 (PDF)
- The Provision and Maintenance of Childrens Play Space (PDF) (April 1999)
- Accessible General Housing (PDF) (January 1998)
- A Cycle Strategy for Ipswich (PDF) (December 1997)
- Smart Street / Foundation Street / Lower Orwell Street Area (PDF) (March 1998)
- Portman Road Area (PDF) (August 1998)
- Public Open Space (PDF) (June 1998)
- Reducing the Environmental Impact of New Housing Development (PDF) (September 1999)
- Good Practice Guide to Extending Your Home (PDF) (July 1999)
- Ipswich Waterfront (PDF) (October 1999)
- Out of Town Centre Shopping (PDF) (July 1997);
- Central Shopping Area - Identified Frontages (PDF) (December 1997)