Using your black bin

Waste statistics

Around 35,000 tonnes of waste is collected each year from the black bins in Ipswich, averaging 550kg (half a tonne) of waste per household. During 2023-24, the amount of waste produced per household was 567.19kg.

Waste processing

The waste collected from black bins is taken to a local Energy from Waste plant, where it is converted into electricity. However, some of this waste could have been recycled or composted.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

To help minimise the amount of waste you put in your black bin, please check what can go in your blue bin and your brown bin and make sure that you recycle as much as you can.

Top tips:

Bin specifications

  • Size: 180L
  • Collection Frequency: Your black bin is emptied once a fortnight on your normal collection week. To find out the next collection date for your street, use our online tool by clicking the button below. Please note that the button will open in a new window.

Find your next bin collection date

Bin placement guidelines

Please help us by making sure that you put your bin out for collection at the right time and in the right place.

  • On collection day, put your bin at the boundary of your home, near to the road.
  • If you live in a terraced house, bring the bin to the front of your property, near to the road.
  • Place the bin with the handles facing the road.
  • Make sure your bin is out by 06:00, as collection times may vary.
  • Take the bin off the street after collection to avoid obstructing the footpath.

Important: what not to do 

Please DO NOT:

  • put your bin out with the lid wedged open - this can cause serious accidents and it creates a health and safety hazard with the vehicle lifting machinery;
  • put any heavy objects in your bin - these can cause the bin to fall off the lifting frame at the rear of the vehicle which can cause accidents;
  • overfill your bin – this makes it difficult to handle and could cause injury;
  • leave extra bags beside your bin - these will not be collected.

For additional information about your waste collections, refer to the guidance document below:

What to put in your black bin

Your black bin is for any waste that cannot be either recycled or composted.

YES please!

  • Cooked food
  • Meat, fish and bones
  • Shredded paper (if you do not have a home compost bin)
  • Egg shells
  • Egg boxes
  • Polystyrene
  • Plastic film such as cellophane and plastic bags (larger supermarkets may accept for recycling, check locally)
  • Tetra- Pak type liquid food and drink cartons (these can also be recycled at your Household Waste Recycling Centre)
  • Nappies and sanitary items
  • Porcelain and ceramics
  • Crisp packets and sweet wrappers

NO thank you!

  • Tiles and general DIY waste
  • Electrical items (can be taken to your local WEEE bank)
  • Rubble
  • Bricks
  • Soil
  • Stones

Remember to recycle small electrical items, glass, and clothing at your local Household Waste Recycling Centres or local recycling facility Recycling Points to help reduce your waste.

Where does your black bin rubbish go?

The collected waste is processed at a local Energy from Waste plant, where it is converted into electricity.

For more information, visit Where does your black bin rubbish go?

Ordering a repair or a replacement black bin

Replacement bins cost £45. 

Please note that the button will open in a new window.

Ordering a repair or a replacement black bin

For further information please see Replacement bin charges.