Waste and recycling for students

Hello and welcome to Ipswich! We are glad that you have chosen to live and study in our town.

Students in halls of residence

If you live in halls of residence you will have communal waste and recycling bins. Like most flats, you will have large general waste bins, large blue recycling bins and if you are lucky, red bins where you can recycle your glass bottles and jars!

If you do not have red glass recycling bins at your building you can find out where your nearest recycling point is by using the Recycling Bank Locator.

Living in a student house

In Ipswich your black waste bin is collected one week, and your blue recycling and brown garden waste bins are collected the following week. You can use our online tool below to find out when the bins will next be emptied in your street.

Please note that the button opens in a new tab.

Find your next bin collection date

To ensure your bin is collected, please place it out at the correct time and location.

For items which cannot be recycled in your bins at home, you can find your nearest recycling point on the Recycle Now website.

What goes in which bin?

Find out everything you need to know about your bins, including what item goes in which bin, by visiting the following pages:

Disposing of large or bulky items

Whenever you have large items that need to be disposed of why not reuse or recycle rather than just throwing them away? Likewise, contact Ipswich Furniture Project, or sign up for Freecycle if you want to save money and get hold of some secondhand items rather than buying them brand new!

If your items are unsuitable for re-use and you cannot recycle them at the Household Waste Recycling Centre, we offer a chargeable collection service which is detailed on our Disposing of Large Items page.

Please, when you leave your accommodation, don't just leave your rubbish behind.

More information:

We've also put together some links below that you might be interested in:

If you have any other questions, the Waste & Recycling team will be happy to answer them for you.