Assisted gardening scheme

Ipswich Borough Council tenants must keep their gardens tidy and manageable as part of their tenancy agreement. The Assisted Gardening Scheme is designed to help tenants who, due to infirmity, are unable to maintain their gardens and have no one else to assist them.

Our Assisted Gardening Scheme is currently under review, we regret that we are therefore not able to accept new applications at this time.

The service can provide:

  • a grass cutting service up to nine times a year;
  • a hedge trimming service once a year.

The scheme does not include:

  • weeding;
  • maintenance of flower borders or shrubbery;
  • clearance of grass cuttings.

Please note: If you are requesting grass cutting you must ensure the grass is clear of obstructions when our gardeners call. It is not part of their job to clear away toys or garden ornaments.

Our gardeners will not cut grass where pets have fouled the area.