Contacting your Housing Officer

Customer contact centre

For housing-related queries, start by contacting the Customer Contact Centre. The staff are trained to provide advice on various issues and can direct you to a Housing Officer if necessary. Call them at 01473 432000. If required, they will reach out to a Housing Officer on your behalf.

What housing officers can assist with

Housing Officers can provide advice for you on:

  • Rent enquiries, claiming housing benefit or Universal Credit;
  • Signposting if you are experiencing financial difficulty
  • Dealing with anti-social behaviour/ neighbour nuisance;
  • Reporting repairs;
  • Improvements/ alterations you wish to make to your home;
  • Moving (Choice Based Lettings/ Mutual Exchanges);
  • Tenants Support Scheme;
  • Improvement/ modernisation programmes;
  • Estate management issues e.g bulky refuse, abandoned vehicles etc.

How to contact your housing officer

Get in touch using the button below which takes you to Housing Online, where you can log in or register and then find the 'Contact us' icon to request that our Housing Officers get in touch with you,

Please note the button below opens in a new window.

Contact housing officer

Housing Officers can offer advice over the phone or arrange home visits as needed.

Find your housing officer - downloadable forms