Ending a tenancy

Your tenancy

Your tenancy with Ipswich Borough Council runs from Monday to Sunday and will continue until either you or we legally end it.

How to end your Tenancy

If you wish to end your tenancy, you must give us at least four weeks written notice to quit, ending on a Sunday. You will remain responsible for rent, reporting repairs and all the other conditions of your tenancy until the date your tenancy ends.

Download a Notice to Quit form (PDF)

During the notice period we will arrange to visit your home and carry out an inspection. We will also give you the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns with us. If you have damaged the premises, or carried out any alterations or adaptations without our permission, we will give you the chance to put the work right. If you do not, you may be charged for the costs we incur in doing this work.

For joint tenants

If you are a joint tenant, your tenancy can end if either of you gives Notice to Quit. This is legally binding on both of you, so if your spouse or partner serves notice against your wishes or without your knowledge you should speak to a Housing Officer immediately.

Breaks in tenancy

If you are going to be away from your home for a while but do not want to end your tenancy, for example if you are going into a nursing home or are likely to be taking an extended holiday, you should tell a Housing Officer. If you do not tell us you are going away, there is a risk that we may decide you have abandoned the property and that you do not plan to return. In this case, we are likely to start court action to take back the property.

Moving out checklist

The checklist below should help you organise your move out of your property. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your move, please contact a Housing Officer.

When you are ready to leave your property make sure that you have:

  • Removed all your possessions and property from your home and garden;
  • Not left anybody at the property;
  • Left the premises clean and tidy;
  • Notified the water, gas and electricity companies, providing final meter readings;
  • Returned all keys to the premises to us on the date your tenancy ends (including window locks and shed keys where applicable);
  • Cleared your rent account. If you are in receipt of any benefits such as Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, you will need to update the relevant agencies of your moving out date to ensure that the correct benefit entitlement is paid to your rent account.”
  • Given us a forwarding address for any post;
  • Left the internal decoration in good condition;
  • Left the garden clear of rubbish.

In the event of a tenant’s death

Read information on what happens when a council tenant, who had no-one living with them, dies.

Ending a garage tenancy

Your garage tenancy

Your garage tenancy also runs from Monday to Sunday and will end once you provide one week's written notice, ending on a Sunday.

If you wish to end your tenancy, you must give us at least one weeks written notice to quit, ending on a Sunday. You will remain responsible for rent, reporting repairs and all the other conditions of your tenancy until the date your tenancy ends.

Download a Garage Notice to Quit form (PDF)

Moving out checklist

The checklist below should help you organise the ending of your garage/hardstand tenancy. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of this, please contact Tenancy Services.

When you are ready to leave your garage make sure that you have:

  • Cleared your rent account;
  • Removed your private vehicle and any other possessions from the garage
  • Left the premises clean and tidy;
  • Returned all keys to the garage/locking post to us on the date your tenancy ends
  • Given us a forwarding address if relevant

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Tenancy Services.