Parking, transport and streets

Information on car parks and on-street parking, public transport, cycling and walking. Find out how to report street cleansing issues such as graffiti and fly-tipping.

To report highway issues such as pot holes, traffic signals and road signs, please visit the Suffolk County Council website.

Contact details

Ipswich Borough Council, 
Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road, 

Our phone number Tel:
01473 432000

Also in this section

Services List

Street cleaning

Contact the Cleaner Ipswich Hotline to report problems with litter bins, graffiti, illegal dumping, and more.

Public transport

Information on buses, coaches, trains, Dial-a-Ride and Park and Ride.

Ipswich Shopmobility

Ipswich Shopmobility offers free wheelchairs and scooters for people with limited mobility to use in the town centre.


Where to park, permits and waivers, report a parking problem.

Street naming and numbering

How we name new streets and number the properties within them. Also, what to do if you wish to change the name of your house or report a damaged street name plate.

Drainage and flooding

Information on who holds the responsibility for flooding in Ipswich and who to contact with drainage problems.

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