Street cleaning

Contact the Cleaner Ipswich Hotline to report problems with litter bins, graffiti, illegal dumping, and more.

Contact details

Cleaner Ipswich Hotline,
Gipping House,
7 Whittle Road, 
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate,

Report it

Our phone number Tel:
01473 432000

Also in this section

Services List

Report a street cleaning problem

How to report issues such as, dog fouling, graffiti, fly-posting, fly-tipping or illegal dumping, abandoned needles and syringes, leaves and litter.

Leaf clearance

Ipswich Borough Council has a flexible leaf clearance programme which can be adjusted to when and where accumulations of leaves occur.

Dead animal removal

The Council removes dead animals from the public highway. Unfortunately the service does not cover the removal of dead animals from private land.

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