Do you require an Access Permit?
An Access Permit is a special permit which allows an unauthorised vehicle to access the pedestrianised zones and restricted zones, within Ipswich town centre, where entry to motor vehicles is normally prohibited.
For example:

If an Access Permit is required, either separately, or in addition to a Dispensation or Suspension, then these should be applied for, through our Transportation Team, by clicking the Apply Now link below. These permits are free of charge, and, if granted, will permit a vehicle to access the pedestrianised zones, and restricted zones, within Ipswich town centre, when usual entry is not permitted.
Please note: if you have already been granted a Suspension or Dispensation within the pedestrianised zones, or restricted zones, this doesn’t automatically grant you access past the ‘No Vehicular Access’ signage, without an Access Permit as well.
Apply for an Access Permit
To apply, please complete the online form below.
Note: The button below opens in a new window.