How to apply for a residents' parking permit

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Apply for a residents permit

Residents parking zones and permits

Residents Parking Zones are designed to give residents a better chance of finding an on-street parking space in areas where demand is high due to the proximity of the town centre. If you live in a Residents Parking Zone and want to park a vehicle in a Permit Holders bay, you need to apply for a Residents Permit.

Once you have a Residents Permit you can also buy daily Visitors Permits and a 1-hour Visitor Time Clock. Businesses located in a Residents Permit Zone can also buy a permit.

Residents Permits and Visitor Permits are virtual and are applied for and managed online. 

Please note that not all properties located within a Residents Permit Zones qualify for a permit. These include:

  • New properties built since 1 September 2005 (13 June 2022 in Zone 5)
  • Existing properties converted since 1 September 2005 (13 June 2022 in Zone 5)
  • Houses of Multiple Occupancy

Resident permit fees

Permit required Annual Fee
First Residents Permit £62
Second residents' car permit (Not available in Zone 2) £124 
Business permit £320

Visitor permits - batches of five 1-day digital permits

(Max purchase of 12 batches over a 12-month period)

1-Hour Visitor Time Clock £5

How to apply for your residents permit

Residents must apply for a permit using our online form below. If you are a new resident, you will need to provide evidence to verify your residency. This should be:

  • Renting – your tenancy agreement
  • Owned – documentation from your solicitor confirming property purchase

After your application has been approved, we will email you to confirm that you can complete your self-service registration online and purchase your permits. Your permit will be live as soon as this is completed.

How to renew your permit

When your permit expires, log in to your MiPermit account and renew online.

Log in to your Account

Businesses located in residents parking zones

Businesses in the zones can also apply for special Business Permits for staff or customers to use.

Apply for a business permit

How to apply for a refund

If you no longer require your residents' permit you may claim a refund of the full months remaining. An administration fee of £12.50 will be deducted from the refunded amount.

Apply for a refund

Working in residents parking zones

Tradespersons and statutory services needing to visit houses in the Residents Parking Zones for their work may apply for an exemption permit. Find out how to apply for a tradesperson's permit or statutory services permit. Alternatively, a daily Visitor Permit purchased by the resident of the property can be assigned to the vehicle.

Blue Badge holders

Blue Badge holders may park in Residents Permit Bays for an unrestricted amount of time when displaying a valid Blue Badge. Blue Badge holders are welcome to purchase a residents' permit if required. The fee is still applicable. 

Resident Parking Scheme Policy

More information about the Residents Parking Scheme Policy.