Licences and permits

Find out about licensing requirements and how to apply for a licence or permit. This includes taxi licensing, alcohol and entertainment premises, industrial licences and more.

Contact details

Licensing and Enforcement,
Ipswich Borough Council, 
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road, 

Also in this section

Services List

Licence fees

Fees payable for licence applications and annual renewals.

Pavement Licensing (Table/Chairs)

To place tables, chairs or other temporary furniture on the pavement in England and Wales you require permission from your Local Authority.

Taxi licensing

Hackney Carriages (taxis), Private hire vehicles and Stretched limousines, as well as their drivers and operators, are required to be licensed by Ipswich Borough Council.


Information on how to apply for small society lottery registration, betting shops, casinos and gaming machines.

New licensing applications

Public notices of any applications and reviews received under the Licensing Act 2003 and also the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 reports.

Animal welfare licensing

Find out how to apply for licences for Animal Boarding, Dog Breeding, Pet Shops, Riding Establishments, and Dangerous Wild Animals.

Street trading consents

Street trading consent is required by any person wishing to sell goods within a designated consent area, which includes a limited number of specific trading sites in the town centre and some streets in other parts of the town.

Licensing and Enforcement Service

The main function of Ipswich Borough Council’s Licensing and Enforcement Service is to protect the public and environment. We do this by helping our customers achieve the standards required to obtain a licence whilst avoiding unnecessary expense.

Licensing updates

We will use this page to publish any upcoming changes in legislation that is relevant to any of the licences we process.

Mobile / park home licence

If you use land as a caravan/mobile/park home site you will almost always need planning permission and a site licence from the Council.

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