Alcohol and entertainment licensing

Information on licences and certificates required by persons wishing to sell alcohol and/or provide entertainment.

Contact details

Licensing and Enforcement,
Ipswich Borough Council,
3W Grafton House,
15-17 Russell Road,


Our phone number Tel:
01473 432063

Also in this section

Services List

Premises Licence

Any business or individual (aged at least 18) that wishes to conduct licensable activities on a premises are required to apply for a Premises Licence from Ipswich Borough Council. A premises is defined as any place, including vehicles, vessels and moveable structures.

Alcohol and entertainment licences

Information can be found on how to apply for premises licences, club premises certificates, TENs and personal alcohol licences. You can apply for most of these licences online.

Personal licence

A personal licence authorises an individual to sell alcohol by retail, supply or authorise the supply of alcohol.

Licensing of Hypnotism Events

Any exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism (as defined in the Hypnotism Act 1952) requires a permit from the Council.

Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) is required if you intend to carry out a licensable activity on unlicensed premises, or wish to operate outside the terms of your existing Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate. 

You can apply online where you will first need to register to use the online system if you are not already registered.

Club Premises Certificates

A Club Premises Certificate is required for clubs that members join for a particular social, sporting or political purpose and then combine to purchase alcohol in bulk for members. The club has restricted access to the public (non-members) and the alcohol is supplied to members for no profit.

Annual fees - licensed premises

Under the Licensing Act 2003 the annual fee for a licensed premises becomes payable each year on the anniversary of the date the licence was initially granted. Find out the fee and how to pay.

Premises Fee

Applications for a Premises Licence, Club Premises Certificate or Variations are subject to various fees.

Providing plans of the buildings

When applying for a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate, you'll need to submit a clear and detailed plan of the building, including key areas and features.

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