Making a complaint about premises licensed for alcohol and entertainment

If you wish to make a complaint about a licensed premises, or a premises which is providing licensable activities without a licence, please get in touch with the Licensing Team using the contact details on this page.

Licensing Act 2003

As the Licensing Authority, we have the power to enforce the various aspects of the Licensing Act 2003, including any requirements contained within the licence. For example, premises may be selling alcohol later than they should, playing music that they are not licensed for, or not adhering to a condition attached to the licence. We can also enforce any premises which do not have any authorisation to provide licensable activities, and which may be selling alcohol, for example.

How to file a complaint

If you believe a premises is violating their licence, please provide the following information:

  • Your contact details
  • A description of the problem
  • Details of dates and times when the issue has occurred

This information will be passed, in confidence, to our Licensing Enforcement Officers for investigation. They may contact you for additional details if needed.


Your personal details will be kept confidential and will only be shared with a Responsible Authority for the purpose of investigating the complaint. We will not disclose your details to the licensee.

Further information

For more details on how to make a complaint and how your complaint will be handled, please refer to the downloadable guide below.