Polling district and polling places review 2023 - 2025 (CLOSED)

This consultation is now closed.

In accordance with Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, every council in England and Wales must undertake and complete a compulsory review of all the polling districts and polling places in its area, within a 16-month period commencing from 1 October every five years. The last compulsory review in Ipswich took place in 2018-20 and a new review is currently taking place.

Consultation details

The Council is now conducting a six week public consultation to seek comments on the proposals for change, between 20 November until 29 December 2023. 

The consultation is open to everyone; public, stakeholders and community groups. We are particularly interested to hear from groups or individuals with accessibility requirements.

For more information, visit our Boundary and polling place reviews page.