Your Council

Ipswich Borough Council provides a voice for its communities as well as a wide range of services to meet their needs.

Also in this section

Services List

Contact us online

Our ‘Contact Us’ online forms gives you the chance to tell us what you think of the services we provide.

Councillors and committees

Find information on your Councillors, browse the Council's Constitution, view committee documents and search decisions.

Contact the council

Find details on how to contact us online, telephone, or by visiting the Customer Services Centre.

Customer services

We’ve made it simple for you to contact us 24/7 by using our online forms via My Ipswich.  If you do not use online services our team of friendly Customer Service Advisors are ready and waiting to assist you with your query. 

Compliments and complaints

We aim to provide you with a high quality service at all times and we want to know what you think about us and the services we provide.

Council budgets and spending

Ipswich Borough Council is committed to providing transparency in the way in which it delivers its services. Find payments data, financial plans and our Statement of Accounts.

Equality and Diversity

Information on recent equality legislation and the Council's strategy in meeting its equality duties.

Senior officers' pay

Ipswich Borough Council publishes pay information for senior officers earning more than £55,000 per year as part of our commitment to transparency.

Ipswich Borough Council Legal Notices

Publication of Ipswich Borough Council's Verification Number, Standards Committee Decision Notices, and Public Notice under Section 30(5) of the Local Government Act 1974


The last census took place on Sunday 27th March 2011, when ONS sent out questionnaires for around 25 million households to complete.

IBC Corporate Fraud Services

Ipswich Borough Council safeguards public funds with a zero-tolerance policy on fraud and corruption. The Corporate Fraud Team focuses on preventing, detecting, investigating, and gathering intelligence on fraud.

Council communications

Find out how we communicate with the residents of Ipswich, Ipswich Direct email alerts, our social media channels and, of course, this website.

Contact the Council's press office:


Find out about the Mayor of Ipswich, the mayor's charities and the history of the mayoralty.