Development Management

Planning application forms and fees, advice and guidance, how to search and comment on planning applications.


Contact details

Ipswich Borough Council,
Development Management, 
3W Grafton House, 
15-17 Russell Road,


Our phone number Tel:
01473 432913

Also in this section

Services List

Arras Square Redevelopment Project

As part of the ‘Turning our Town Around’ initiative, Ipswich Borough Council asked residents and local businesses to vote on which area they would like redeveloped, and with the most votes, Arras Square was selected.

Applying for planning permission

You can apply for planning permission online via the Planning Portal website; alternatively you can print and return one of our application forms.

Planning publications

A wide variety of leaflets are available to download. Alternatively hard copies can be obtained from the Town Planning team.

Flood Evacuation Plans

This guidance has been prepared for the purpose of assisting developers required to submit Flood Evacuation Plans (FEP) to fulfil Planning Condition requirements associated with property development within the flood plain of Ipswich.

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